Two weeks to go! It is not too late to come to Washington! Join supporters and personalities from the United States, Latin America, Canada and Europe to ask President Obama for a change of policy towards Cuba and to find a humanitarian solution to the case of the “Cuban Five." There is still time to be part of the upcoming week of activities in support of the Cuban Five. |
People attending the “5 Days for the Cuban 5" will travel from cities all over the United States, Latin America, Canada and Europe. Friends and personalities will arrive in Washington from cities from all regions of the United States including a delegation of Cuban residents from Miami. Beyond the U.S. borders participants will come from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Quebec, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Venezuela will participate. For more information…
Panel of legal experts will update the case of the Cuban 5. On June 6 as part of the two-day Conference, “New Era in U.S.-Cuba Relations" a legal panel will bring together a number of lawyers from the U.S. and abroad including the Cuban 5 leading attorney Martin Garbus. He will be joined by Peter Schey, Director of the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, José Pertierra, Immigration Attorney who represents the Venezuelan government in the extradition case of Luis Posada Carriles, Phil Horowitz, Attorney of René González, Cesar Brito, President of the Brazilian Order of Lawyers, Beinuz Smukler, President of the Advisory Board of the American Association of Jurists, Rafael Anglada, Attorney from Puerto Rico, Steve Cottingham, Attorney from England, Eberhard Schulz, Attorney from Germany, Tecla Faranda, Attorney from Italy and Art Heitzer, National Lawyers Guild. Learn more...
Two new Videos will be shown during the 2-Day Conference On 5 June, a new documentary by renowned Cuban photographer and filmmaker Roberto Chile about the International Commission of Inquiry that took place in London in March will be featured during lunch time. And on June 6, also during lunch time, the unfinished documentary of the late Saul Landau, “The Sexual Revolution in Cuba" will be shown in his memory. See details on June 5 and June 6… |
On-line Pre-Registration for June 5 and 6 two-day conference is open These attending the Conference can register the same day, but we highly recommend that those who want to attend pre-register by going to the following link |
A Call for action all over the world during the upcoming actions in Washington. We make a special appeal to friends of Cuba and the Five from around the world so that they can unite their voices from their countries to accompany the activities in Washington, with parallel actions from June 4 to 10 including sit-ins, demonstrations, pronouncements, art exhibits, a general twitazo, articles in the media, activation of social networks, etc.
This is the time to ask for real changes in U.S. policies towards Cuba! This is the time to ask Obama for the immediate release of Gerardo, Ramón y Antonio!
Join the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5, friends, and supporters from around the world at the 3rd Annual 5 Days for the Cuban 5 in Washington, D.C.