your Voice to the International Commission of Inquire into the Case of the Cuban 5
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Add your Voice to the International Commission of In
Obama, Give Me Five
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Traveling to the 9th International Colloquium to
Message from the Hero of the Republic of Cuba, on the passing of Nelson Mandela
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Message from the Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Gerardo Her
Emeritus Professor of Sociology Nelson P Valdes
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5December 5th for the Cuban 5 Emeritus Profes
Unity in Action to Work for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Unity in Action to Work for the Freedom of the Cuban
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5November 5th for the Cuban 5 Retired Judge C
第39回 キューバを知る会・大阪
第39回 キューバを知る会・大阪
Democracy Now より
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
René González and Ricardo Alarcon in a Democracy Now
キューバ元外相 オバマ政権は「キューバの5人」を釈放すべき
キューバの元外相 過激派亡命者の脅威と オバマ政権が「キューバの5人」を釈放すべき理由を語る
スパイ罪で米国で拘束されている「キューバの5人」(Cuban Five)として知られるキューバの諜 ...
「キューバの5人」(Cuban Five)でただ一人釈放されたレネ・ゴンザレスが、米国での13年の拘束を終えてデモクラ ...