国際会議「4th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE」


来る2019年1月28日~31日、ハバナ市にて国際会議「4th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE」が
Second Announcement
4th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE
The José Martí Project of International Solidarity sponsored by UNESCO was created in 2003 when approved by the General Conference of that international organization, and has the support of the Organization of Iberian American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI, the Spanish acronym) and other international institutions of different nature that have joined this Project, governed by a qualified leading organ of more than thirty renowned and outstanding intellectuals from different countries who make up its World Council.
The Project is coordinated by the Office of Cuba’s Martí Program, and is currently regarded as the sole supranational initiative in today’s world to promote the study, knowledge and dissemination of information on the life and work of a paramount figure in the field of ideas.
Since its start, the José Martí Project has propitiated a large international movement aimed at expanding the legacy of the Apostle and National Hero of Cuba. This has already become evident in the convoking capacity and in the number of activities connected with Martí that take place in the most dissimilar world regions and countries, including the awarding of the José Martí International Prize of UNESCO.
The Project’s work programs are drawn up for three-year periods, which are conceived to culminate with the celebration of a world forum of plural ideas such as the one we are hereby convoking.
On this occasion it will be the 4th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE, to take place at the Palace of Conventions of Havana on January 28-31, 2019.
The event that preceded it, the Second International Conference WITH ALL AND FOR THE GOOD OF ALL (January 2016) was attended by more than one thousand delegates from 53 countries of all continents. The papers, oral presentations and reflections of this forum were gathered in a digital book that has been distributed to universities and libraries in different places of the world. The same will be done with this conference we are convoking for January 2019.
Those who register in this world meeting of plural thought will receive diplomas accrediting their participation, with the corresponding academic credits.
The 4th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE is, in addition, an extension of the debates of the World Congress of Humanities held in August, 2017 in the city of Liege, Belgium, which was sponsored by UNESCO and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences.
The following themes will be debated in this world forum, among others:
• The importance of the interreligious and intercultural dialogue.
• The arts: perspectives of diversity
• The role and challenges of the new social movements.
• The struggle for peace.
• Solidarity as bulwark of coexistence.
• The need to stop the unceasing destruction of vital ecosystems for the existence of our species.
• The scarcity of drinking water and the rural population drift.
• Risks and hopes offered by the technological and scientific development, particularly the information and communications technology (ICT)
• The access to education and culture for the exercise of basic human rights under the circumstances of the 21st century.
• The struggle against all forms of discrimination – of gender, race, creed, age and social condition – that validate inequality and criminalize the struggle for social justice.
• Health as the inalienable right of all human beings.
• The role of feminine organizations in the transformation of society. The right of women in society
• The role of the youth, students and their organizations. Their insertion in the process of changes
• The trade union movement and its role in the struggles for a better world under the new situation created by the global crisis
• The need to imagine and construct new economies based on harmonious relations among the human beings and their environment, aimed at a sustainable development.
• From theory to practice: incorporation of realities for social equity projects
• Integration and solidarity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Possibilities and dangers.
• Religious organizations, ecumenism, interreligious dialogue and their contribution to world peace, which human beings long for good will
• Indigenous populations and the ethnic minorities: the need of policies of inclusion and respect in the face of exclusion and marginalization
• Drug consumption and drug traffic. Causes, consequences and opposition to that widespread scourge
• Promotion of participative democracy as means for the construction of new societies
• Need to oppose terrorism in all its forms.
• Justice as universal value of peace.
• The ethical framework of reference for social action in the face of the crisis, based on the best contributions of Latin American thought, from Simón Bolívar and José Martí to the most relevant thinkers of the 20th century and our days.
Each one of these fields and themes can and must be the object of multiple initiatives and variants by the participants. All of them shall be welcome.
The Conference’s scientific program will include– in addition to the work commissions according to themes, where the presented papers will be discussed – special participations, panels on issues of international interest, a symposium on bioethics and development, a wide spectrum youth forum and other modalities of reflection.
We call upon all progressive intellectuals in the world, upon educators, artists, writers and journalists; upon all social fighters, union leaders, leaders of political parties, of juvenile, feminine, peasant, indigenous and professional organizations, parliamentarians, and upon non-governmental organizations moved by principles of justice and equity; universities and other educational, scientific, religious and cultural institutions, and upon governments formed by persons of good will, to disseminate information on and participate in this meeting convoked in the light of José Martí’s ideas, which intends to contribute to the efforts to sensitize the international public opinion to create a world conscience against the evils endured by humankind today and which endanger the very existence of our species.
Registration fees:
Delegates 120.00 CUC
Students 70.00 CUC
(present supporting document)
Escorts 50.00 CUC
Payment may be made online through the official website of the event:
http://www.porelequilibriodelmundocuba.com or directly upon arrival, when registering at the Palace of Conventions.
For the purpose of preparing the documents and including them in the Program, the participants who will present papers must register them with the Organizing Committee before November 30, 2018. The registration information must include the paper’s title, author’s data and abstract with a maximum of 100 words in Arial 12 type, indicating what audiovisual device will be required for the presentation. It cannot be assured that the abstracts received by the Organizing Committee after November 30, 2018 will be printed in the Program of the event.
To receive additional information and establish contact with the Organizing Committee of the event, those interested may get in touch directly through the following email addresses: hpardo@cubarte.cult.cu and jmarti@cubarte.cult.cu. Also through telex numbers (537) 833 9818 and/or (537) 836 4756; and through telephone numbers (537) 838 2233 / 838 2297 / 838 2298. Or directly at the headquarters of the Organizing Committee, at Calle Calzada No. 803, entre 2 y 4, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. Postal Code 10400.
You may also consult the Forum website: http://www.porelequilibriodelmundocuba.com Professional Congress Organizer Mireya Mesa Tamargo is also at the disposal of the interested persons at the following mail address: P.O. Box 16046, Havana, Cuba. Telephones (537) 208 6176 / 202 6011 through 19, ext. 1512, and e-mail mireya@palco.cu
For additional information and details on aspects of the logistics of your stay, hotel reservation and other tourist options, you may contact Mr. Nelson Ramos Mesa, Specialist of CUBATUR Travel Agency, through telephones (537) 835 5095 and (537) 836 4037 and cell phone (535) 242 0899, as well as through the following email address: nelson.ramos@central.cbt.tur.cu
Likewise, you may contact the International Sales Division of Palacio de Convenciones, the event’s venue, in Havana, which offers the possibility to pay online a comprehensive package covering registration fee, lodging in Hotel Palco, next to the venue, airport transfers and others included in the official program. In this way you will be able to cover the expenses for all these services with only one transaction. The specialists from the International Sales Division will also grant you personal assistance and any other information on the event as well as on Cuba as destination. Contact: Msc. Elier Alonso Montano, e-mail: promoevento@palco.cu, Telephone: (537) 2026011, extension 1105. Personal telephone: (537) 2084398; Web: http://www.eventospalco.com/es/eventos/EQUILIBRIODELMUNDO2019
Asociación Nacional de
Agricultores Pequeños


Posted by cuba