Three weeks to go!
It is only three weeks until supporters and personalities from all over the United States, Latin America, Canada and Europe join together to ask President Obama to change the policy of hostility towards Cuba that has lasted for over fifty years. One of the pivotal points in this widening discussion is finding a solution to the case of the Cuban 5, which, for over 15 years, has raised serious questions about the absence of U.S. justice.
June 4th – Special Media Event
On June 4 a media event will take place at the National Press Club featuring, via Skype, two of the Cuban 5 who have returned to Cuba after completing their entire unjust sentence, along Martin Garbus, the lead attorney of the Cuban 5, and Canadian author Stephen Kimber, whose new book “What Lies Across the Water" has exposed the case of The Five to a wider audience. Learn more…
New Era in U.S.-Cuba Relations
On June 5 and 6, a two-day conference entitled “New Era in U.S.-Cuba Relations." will take place. The conference’s opening session will include speakers such as Rev Joan Brown Campbell, former General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, and actor Danny Glover. Learn more…
Prospects for U.S.-Cuba Relations: New development on USAID program
To kick off the first day of the Conference a panel discussion “Prospects for U.S.-Cuba Relations: New development on USAID program" will bring together a number of experienced personalities to touch on all these new developments and important issues. The speakers on this panel include William Leo Grande, former Dean of Public Affairs of American University in Washington; Lawrence Wilkerson, retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell; Arturo López-Levy, Professor at the University of Denver and one of the founders of Cuban-Americans for Engagement (CAFE); Tom Hayden, Director of the Peace and Justice Resource Center and author; and Wayne Smith, former chief of the US Interests Section in Havana. See the full agenda…
Dead Prez: Friday June 6th @ 9:00pm
On Friday, June 6th, at 9:00pm, renowned Hip Hop Duo Dead Prez will provide a Mega Meeting of Art and Empowerment Music.
Learn more…
Descend on the White House
And on Saturday June 7, at 1:00pm people will descend on the White House to demand that President Obama release the Cuban 5. An important delegation of Cubans residents in Miami will participate in the rally, as well as buses traveling from New York and a delegation of supporters from Montreal. Speakers at the rally include Rafael Cancel Miranda, leader of the Puerto Rican Independence Movement and peace activist Cindy Sheehan, as well as personalities and representatives of different solidarity movements from the U.S. and other parts of the world. Learn more…
Make your plans now to join us in Washington DC June 4-11
Join the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5, friends, and supporters from around the world at the 3rd Annual 5 Days for the Cuban 5 in Washington, D.C.